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Join Endurance Learning co-founders Brian Washburn and Tim Waxenfelter as they discuss lessons learned, benefits and even pitfalls of launching a podcast. Brian is the host of the Train Like You Listen podcast, a weekly podcast about all things learning and development in bite-sized chunks, and Tim took an early lead on the marketing and social media outreach to broaden the audience. Take part in this thought-provoking webinar to hear insights about how podcasting helped them provide support for the field of learning and development while also creating more opportunities for consulting, speaking, and other income-generating opportunities.
Over the past year and a half, the Train Like You Listen podcast has aired about 70 episodes with thoughts leaders, industry pioneers and everyday practitioners to discuss topics ranging from gamification to diversity, equity and inclusion, from the transition from classroom teacher to corporate trainer to debunking learning myths. Through their experience with this podcast, Brian and Tim have found that they’ve not only released a product that can help others grow and develop, but they’ve grown and developed with each guest as well. They’ve also learned that “monetizing” a podcast doesn’t necessarily mean getting money from advertisers, but rather bringing in potential clients for projects large and small as a result of a podcast they’ve released.
By the end of this webinar you may find yourself inspired to:
- Explore whether podcasts may help you to expand your own reach
- Identify characteristics of good podcasts that engage listeners and have a greater possibility for learning
- Explore current podcasts you can use to spread the word about our work with young children
All sessions are 1.5 hours long, and include a brief announcement from our sponsor.
2:oo PM – 3:30 PM Eastern Time.
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Can’t participate in our webinars at the appointed time? Never fear! All of the webinars are recorded. To view the recording, simply register now and you will receive an email with a link to the recording when it is ready to be viewed.
Regardless of when you register, only 3,000 people at one time can attend our webinars. Only the first 3,000 people to click the link to attend the webinar will be able to join. We start the webinars 30 minutes in advance of the start time. Arrive early to make sure you get in.
Please be advised that you will only be eligible for the great door prizes if you participate in the live session.
See the schedule of upcoming webinars.