One of the most important steps you can take with families is to help them integrate into your program with an intentional, consistent, and complete onboarding process. Planning to prepare a step-by-step onboarding process that you can use every time you enroll new families will ensure you establish open communication, avoid misunderstandings, and establish policies. Your onboarding plan should individual and group meetings, family handbooks, and maybe even pairing new families with others who are more familiar with the program. Join this idea-packed webinar with early childhood program leadership expert, Evelyn Knight to learn how to create a replicable and comprehensive new family onboarding system that informs, educates, and welcomes families to your program.
In this session you will:
- Learn why it is so important to educate families why early childhood programs offer open-ended experiences and developmentally appropriate practices.
- Learn how to help newly enrolled families set realistic expectations about your program and understand child care industry standards.
- Develop tools to create a family orientation that will alleviate common potential misalignment issues with families.
- Prepare to be proactive by educating families on common policies and procedures to avoid future issues.