The Schools of Reggio Emilia, Italy, are awe-inspiring settings where children and teachers learn through inquiry. Reggio Emilia’s philosophies and practices are fascinating and thought-provoking for early educators worldwide. While we are often inspired or intrigued by these practices, transferring them to classrooms in other communities would amount to cultural appropriation because they are based on the very specific regional Reggio Emilia culture and relationships. They don’t automatically ‘translate’ to all settings. But there is much to learn from Reggio Emilia’s theories, values, and practices.
In this webinar, presented by pedagogic expert Susan Stacey, you will explore examples of how you might take some of these practices and values and use them as a mirror with which to examine your own. Susan will guide us to take a look at our Image of the child, our environments, and how we make decisions about facilitating play, inquiry, and emergent curriculum.
In this joyful introductory webinar, you will:
- come to understand the philosophies behind approaches from Reggio Emilia
- examine your own values and practices in light of what we have learned from Reggio Emilia
- think about the role of the environment in our settings