Support Diversity in Your ECE Program With a A Treasure Trove of Free Resources: Libraries and Librarians by Lisa Guernsey, Karen Nemeth, Cen Campbell

Do you find yourself searching for great resources to enrich your multicultural or multilingual program? It is a challenge for preschool administrators to find the right materials for the languages and cultures they serve. The solution may be more accessible and affordable than you think: Partner with your local library. There are so many ways this kind of partnership can help both parties because librarians need to connect with families in your community to provide appropriate activities for ALL of the parents and children. Librarians have the skills and special tools to help your staff discover and use materials and resources they might never have considered before.This just might be the perfect match!

Empowering Staff to Lead from Within in Early Childhood Settings – No Director Is An Island, by Dr. Bisa Lewis

As the Director in your program, you have a lot of responsibility. It sometimes seems it’s all on your shoulders because you wear so many hats and play so many critical roles. Wouldn’t it be great to harness the leadership potential and skills in your key staff members so you can focus on the most important work? In this practical and advice-packed session, Dr. Bisa Lewis, the author of the Wings Curriculum, will help you learn effective management strategies for empowering staff members and parents to actively support implementation of program policies, goals and objectives. You will learn how to bring out the emerging leader in key staff members and give them the nudge they need to develop their leadership potential, share important responsibilities, and lead from within. Join us to learn innovative approaches to shared governance. Let go and let staff grow! Isn’t it time to watch your program blossom?

Digital and DAP- What ECE Administrators and Trainers Need to Know to Help Teachers Use Technology by Karen Nemeth and Fran Simon

Now that we are deep into the 21st century, there’s no escaping technology. Whether you think tech is good, bad, or ugly, its inevitable that tech will impact your work, and the work of the teachers you lead. It is time to embrace the fact that as an administrator, teacher educator, or trainer, you will have to address technology and its relationship to learning and developmentally appropriate practice.

Apps and Software in Early Childhood Classrooms: A Continuum of Teaching Tools, Kate Highfield

This session is sponsored by The TEC Center at Erikson Institute. Increasingly young children have access to a broad range of engaging technologies including educational software, web based resources, interactive multimedia and Apps. While many of these resources have the opportunity to positively enhance learning and play, teachers also need to consider the pedagogic approaches afforded by these tools. Further, we need to reflect on[…] Full Description

Small Steps to Improve Children’s Environmental Health in your Early Childhood Program

PLEASE NOTE NEW DATE! OCTOBER 31, 2012! Children spend a significant time in child care settings. Early care and education programs should be safe and healthy and provide a learning environment free from exposures to lead, pesticides, plastics, harsh cleaning products and other hazards. Have you ever wondered how the environment or the chemicals used in your program impact the children and staff?  Is there[…] Full Description

The Director’s Role in Developing LEGAL Enrollment Agreements – So Much More Than an Enrollment Form, by Michelle McGinnis

What is your process when you enroll new families in your preschool program? Many schools and child care facilities use a standard enrollment form instead of an Admission Agreement. Regardless of whether you require parents to complete a basic enrollment form or have them enter into an agreement with you, it’s critical that your documentation protects your program and outlines the details of the relationship. Even the most minimal of agreements provide for the basics, such as days and time of operation and the fees charged, but an agreement can and should be a comprehensive document that governs the relationship between the school and parents in a number of common scenarios.

ECE Tech Trends in 2012, New Directions for 2013, and Why Tech Integration Matters- A TEC Conversation with Warren Buckleitner

This session is sponsored by The TEC Center at Erikson Institute. Warren Buckleitner, Editor of Children’s Technology Review, and Chip Donohue, Director of the TEC Center at Erikson Institute, will talk about technology trends, issues, and opportunities for early childhood educators and young children in 2012, and gaze into a virtual crystal ball to predict the most important and influential trends and technology innovations for[…] Full Description

Engaging Children’s Hearts and Minds: Teaching and Learning with the Project Approach, by Sylvia Chard

This webinar presents an overview of the Project Approach to teaching and learning. Illustrated with photographs of project work in action Sylvia Chard offers a practical account of how teachers can develop in-depth projects with young children. Through their studies of the local environment many opportunities arise for children to apply math and language skills. Progress made by individual children in this context can be very rewarding to them and impressive to teachers and parents.

Using Ele™, a Free Online Tool, to Incorporate Principles from NAEYC and the Fred Rogers Center into Your Program

      This webinar is sponsored by the TEC Center at Erikson Institute.   The NAEYC/Fred Rogers Center joint position statement on technology and media in ECE is great…. but now what? Join Michael Robb and Chip Donohue for a discussion of how free online tools can be used in ways that support the recommendations of the position statement. In this session you will[…] Full Description