Offering “Child-Centered” Early Childhood Programs- Tips for Administrators from the Ooey Gooey Lady. Lisa Murphy

Join the Ooey Gooey Lady, Lisa Murphy, for a highly interactive look at what makes child-centered environments so important in early childhood. This webinar will provide administrators with an in-depth exploration of the 9 points within the framework of Lisa Murphy’s approach to working with children. Lisa will share examples and anecdotes to illustrate what it really means to support teachers so they can offer hands-on, play-based, child-centered programs. Join Lisa for her signature “learn and laugh” style and pragmatic approach to one of the most important elements of offering developmentally appropriate early childhood programs.

Digital & Media Literacy – Practical Pedagogy Behind Successful Technology Integration in ECE- A TEC Track Webinar by Faith Rogow

This session is sponsored by Erikson Institute’s TEC Center – an innovative online community dedicated to the effective, appropriate, and intentional use of technology and interactive media as tools with young children. Like pencils, digital technologies are tools. And like pencils, knowing how to use digital devices is part of being literate, but it isn’t enough. In the digital world, where technology provides easy access[…] Full Description

Close the Vocabulary Gap! Proven Strategies ECE Administrators Can Use to Help Teachers Enhance Vocabulary in Their Classrooms by Julie Wood, Ed.D.

This session is part of the Follett Growing Readers Series  A child’s vocabulary is their passport to understanding and interpreting a wide range of texts. Unfortunately many children from low-income settings enter school with significantly smaller vocabularies than their more economically-advantaged peers. Hart & Risley’s (1995) research with young children showed a 30-million word gap by age three. This gap has an enormous impact on[…] Full Description

Quick and Effective Professional Development that is Shorter than a Snooze – Naptime PD Activities for ECE Teachers, by Camille Catlett

There never seems to be enough time to inspire and train early childhood teachers.  As a Director or professional development provider, you often have to squeeze in professional development whenever you can.  In this webinar, Camille Catlett will provide you with powerful ideas that you can use to support the development of capable, confident personnel to serve young children and families and that require less[…] Full Description

Blogging for Community Building in Early Childhood Programs and Organizations by Dawn Braa

Blogging has benefits… Blogging can assist with building community, networking professionally, communicating with parents, marketing, and much more!  Blogs are important vehicles to connect all of the stakeholders in the early childhood community. Direct service programs, national, state, and local organizations, colleges  and companies are finding that their blogs not only attract new visitors, they become the glue that binds the community. This webinar will[…] Full Description

Resources for Supporting Early Childhood Administrators: A Smorgasbord of Options and Opportunities by Sue Offutt

As the director or administrator of an early childhood program facing the unique challenges 21st century program management,  it is important to be able to gather informal and formal  information you can use to measure, monitor, and improve your program’s quality. The options are vast and dispersed, so locating the best resources can be overwhelming. This webinar will help you  learn how to locate and[…] Full Description

ECE Program Accreditation & QRIS- Proven Strategies to Survive, Thrive, and Achieve Your Quality Goals, By Rachel Robertson and Miriam Dressler

Measuring your ECE program’s current quality and working toward standards to improve quality are critical practices for early care and education programs, but the process can be down right grueling. Using our years of experience working in an education department to support almost two thousand centers across the country combined with our personal experience as accreditation validators and QRIS consultants, we have gathered strategies, best practices, and resources that can help all program administrators successfully achieve their quality measurement goals.

Effective, Appropriate, & Intentional Use of Technology Tools in ECE Classrooms- A TEC Track Webinar by Mark Bailey and Aja Appel

This session is part of the TEC Track Series of webinars offered by the TEC Center at Erikson Institute. Digital tools are playing an increasingly important role in classroom learning. In order to design quality learning experiences for their students, educators must be informed and insightful in the manner in which they integrate these technologies. Mark Bailey, PhD, Director of the Child Learning and Development[…] Full Description

Priming Children for Language and Literacy Success: A Focus on the Toddler Years, by Betty Bardige, Ed.D.

This session is part of the Follett Growing Readers Series   The research is clear: rich language experience gives babies and toddlers an ongoing and increasing advantage. Children who hear more words and more encouraging words as babies and who get more opportunities to hear and use interesting words as toddlers develop vocabularies, communication skills, and social-emotional and intellectual strengths that prime them for ongoing success. Early education[…] Full Description

Support Diversity in Your ECE Program With a A Treasure Trove of Free Resources: Libraries and Librarians by Lisa Guernsey, Karen Nemeth, Cen Campbell

Do you find yourself searching for great resources to enrich your multicultural or multilingual program? It is a challenge for preschool administrators to find the right materials for the languages and cultures they serve. The solution may be more accessible and affordable than you think: Partner with your local library. There are so many ways this kind of partnership can help both parties because librarians need to connect with families in your community to provide appropriate activities for ALL of the parents and children. Librarians have the skills and special tools to help your staff discover and use materials and resources they might never have considered before.This just might be the perfect match!