Using an Anti-Bias Lens to Examine Early Childhood Children’s Books by Linda Santora and Cheryl Kilodavis

Literature is a powerful vehicle for helping children understand their homes, communities and the world. Even before young
children can read, family members, childcare providers and teachers read them stories about people in far away places,
sometimes from the distant past and sometimes about people whose lives are similar to their own. The impressions and
messages contained in these stories can last a lifetime.

Using Developmentally Appropriate Practice with Early Learners to Evaluate Apps- A TEC Track Webinar by Gail Lovely

As an increasing number early childhood educators include tablets in their programs, they are asking more questions about ow to use these digital tools. How do they know which apps to download? How will they use apps to create engaging and effective learning experiences for their students? To help navigate through this process Gail Lovely, founder of, will guide you through evaluating and selecting apps for professional use as well as to create effective and engaging learning experiences for young children

The ECE Director’s Guide to Must-Have Literacy Practices in Early Education Classrooms, by Nell K. Duke

This session is part of the Follett Growing Readers Series Research increasingly points to the significant influence that preschool years, and preschool educators, can have on children’s short- and long-term literacy development. In this presentation, Nell Duke, Author of The ABCs of Emergent Literacy, and professor of language, literacy, and culture  at the University of Michigan, will identify characteristics of the environment and experiences offered[…] Full Description

How to Support Teachers’ Use of Story Retelling to Build Comprehension and Oral Language in Early Learning Programs, by Cate Heroman and Carol Aghayan

This session is part of the Follett Growing Readers Series We know children love to tell and retell stories. But story retelling is a powerful strategy for teachers, coaches and administrators who must help children meet standards. In fact, story retelling is a standard in the Common Core State Standards for kindergarten and in many state early learning standards. Join national early childhood experts Cate[…] Full Description

Improving Vocabulary in the Age of Common Core Standards- Guidance for Early Childhood Educators by Susan B. Neuman

This session is part of the Follett Growing Readers Series   Children today in the age of common core standards will need richer vocabulary and deeper content knowledge to comprehend complex text. This session describes what we know from recent research on improving vocabulary instruction, highlighting key principles that are related to reading improvement. It will also describe approaches that enable children to learn academic[…] Full Description

STEM- Growing ECE Educators Who Can Support Children’s Learning in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math by Suzanne Thouvenelle

This session is part of the Classroom Investigations Series sponsored by the InvestiGator Club   Have you ever heard of STEM and wondered exactly what that means or how it applies to early childhood classroom practice? Join this webinar to find out about this “hot” topic. Learn why it’s so important to help teachers develop strategies to foster interest in science, technology, engineering or math[…] Full Description

Leading Through Coaching in Early Childhood: Key Elements of Effective Coaching Relationships by Annette Farrell and Lisa Boggess

Directors, coordinators and supervisors are faced with ongoing pressures in their leadership roles. As leaders, instead of reinforcing the positives in our programs, we have a tendency to focus on what needs to be fixed. This affects what we believe, and what we believe affects our responses, interactions, relationships, and our understanding of how best to support and motivate adults. These actions directly affect our[…] Full Description