Empowering Teachers to Build Language and Literacy Through Strength-based Coaching, by Betty and Kori Bardige

This session is part of the Follett Growing Readers Series   We know from research that language is key to both literacy and social-emotional development, and that children who develop robust vocabularies and communicative confidence are primed for ongoing success. New measures of quality focus on rich language and responsive communication. Using strength-based coaching to share research-informed language-building strategies, directors can build upon the assets[…] Full Description

QRIS, Licensing, and Accreditation: The Keys to Creating a Continuous Quality Improvement Culture in Your ECE Program, by Debi Mathias

      Join Debi Mathias, from the BUILD initiative, in this powerful webinar to learn more about effective processes for managing  and implementing QRIS, licensing, and accreditation. Debi will help you explore ideas about how to use regulations to create a culture of continuous quality improvement (CQI) and reflective practice within your program. You will learn strategies that will help you: leverage lessons learned[…] Full Description

Emergent Curriculum- Debunking the Myths and Creating Shared Understanding, by Susan Stacey

This session is part of the Follett Growing Readers Series     Emergent Curriculum is steeped in a strong theoretical background, is inquiry and play-based, and responds to the questions that arise from both children and teachers. Based on the work of Vygotsky, Dewey, and modern theorists such as Elizabeth Jones, Emergent Curriculum allows educators to respond to our observations of children, build upon their[…] Full Description

Is Your Program Ready and Safe for Emergencies? Protecting Young Children Before, During and After the Unimaginable Happens, by Sarah Thompson and Paul Myers

This webinar sponsored by:    Disasters can strike anywhere at any time, and when they do children are the most vulnerable victims. Each work day 68 million children are in child care or school, where parents assume they are safe, yet the 28 states and DC lack minimum standards for protecting children in these facilities. What’s more,  less than half of American families have an[…] Full Description

The Power of Playful Learning in Early Education: How Guided Play Sparks Social and Academic Outcomes by Kathy Hirsh-Pasek

This session is part of the Follett Growing Readers Series Yale Professor Ed Zeigler wrote that “play is under siege.” In 1981 40% of a child’s discretionary time was spent in play. By 1997 that time had already decreased to 25%. In the last two decades children have lost 8 hours of free play per week and thousands of schools in the United States have[…] Full Description

Online Marketing Secrets for Early Childhood Programs: The #1 Key to Growing Your Enrollment, by Kris Murray

The marketing landscape has changed drastically for early childhood programs. Parents of young children are searching for child care online first, and what they find (and learn from others’ reviews) determines who they choose. Unfortunately, many child care programs are using outdated marketing methods and they simply don’t know how to optimize their online presence. In this brand new webinar, Kris Murray will help leaders[…] Full Description

The Building Blocks of Early Mathematics: Learning Trajectories for Young Children, by Julie Sarama and Dr. Douglas Clements

      This session is part of the Follett Growing Readers Series What are the mathematical and educational building blocks of early mathematics? What role should these building blocks play in early education, and why? Julie Sarama and Douglas H. Clements will discuss these questions, including information on three recent publications that they helped write: (a) the report of President Bush’s National Math Advisory[…] Full Description

Learning in Two Languages in Early Childhood: What Every Early Childhood Professional Needs to Know, by Mileidis Gort

  A large and growing number of children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds have the potential to develop dual language and literacy skills if supported in their immediate environment. Scientific studies suggest that young children can benefit cognitively, linguistically, and culturally from learning more than one language in early childhood. Yet, the phenomenon of childhood bilingualism is poorly understood by many and regarded with skepticism by others. Whether[…] Full Description

Integrating STEAM into the ECE Classroom: Finding and Utilizing the Right Resources for Your Center, by Amy Koester

This session is part of the Follett Growing Readers Series “Every kid starts out as a natural-born scientist.” -Carl Sagan Children have a natural curiosity about the world, and their everyday play and learning allows them to engage in the world as scientists do–by fiddling and experimenting, testing and repeating and processing everything that they experience. How can ECE professionals help to satisfy children’s curiosity[…] Full Description