Coming to Terms: How to Effectively Use Contracts and Policies, by Tom Copeland

Sponsored by the soon-to-be launched ECE Expert Consultant Directory. This webinar will cover how to establish a business relationships with parents, the key terms to include in a contract and policies, how to enforce your contract, how to turn down a family and terminate a contract, how to use The Three Choices of Life to resolve conflicts with parents. See Tom’s profile on  […] Full Description

Anti-Bias Approach to Early Childhood Leadership: Beyond Books and Pictures, by Lindsey Allard Agnamba and Je’Kendria Trahan

Sponsored by the soon-to-be launched ECE Expert Consultant Directory. As the staff, children and families in our early learning programs grow more diverse, it’s essential to move beyond just having materials in the programs that reflect the various backgrounds as a way create high quality learning programs. It’s important to begin working in deeper ways to build more welcoming communities with more meaningful relationships and[…] Full Description

Using Books for Social-Emotional Development: Literature that helps children explore feelings, by Jacky Howell and Kimberly Reinhard

Sponsored by Free Spirit Publishing Being a little one can be an emotional roller coaster! There are lots of big feelings and relationships with highs, and lows, twists and turns. Early educators need all of the tools and strategies they can get to help children manage the ride!  Books are the perfect tools to engage and inspire children with stories that include social-emotional concepts. Books with[…] Full Description

Nurturing secure attachments for infants and toddlers: The key to optimal emotional development, by Dr. Alice Sterling Honig

This session is sponsored by the United Way Center for Excellence in Early Education Developing an early secure attachment to the special persons who care for a child from birth during the early years is critical. Secure attachment between the little one and the special adult(s) lays the foundation for developing a person who can trust the self AND trust others and can be compassionate[…] Full Description

Build a Workplace Early Educators Love – Just add Joy, by Rich Sheridan

This session is sponsored by the McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership.   In this powerful and innovative webinar, Richard Sheridan, Author of Joy Inc., will help you learn to create an intentional team culture focused on the business value of joy and unleash the human energy and the results you always knew were possible. The webinar will explore what an intentionally joyful culture must choose as[…] Full Description

Bridging the Birth to 3rd Grade Workforce: Early Care and Education at the Crossroads of Transformation, by Jacqueline Jones

This session is sponsored by Nemours Bright Start!   We’ve done it! We’ve raised awareness about the importance of high quality early care and education. But, there is continued discussion regarding who should be implementing programs for children from birth through 3rd grade. Who is an early childhood professional? What entity should decide individual and institutional certification? Who owns the profession? This session, presented by[…] Full Description

Leading for ECE Program Quality: Using Self-Awareness and Intention to Effect Positive Change, by Judy Jablon

 This session is sponsored by the McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership. In this webinar, Judy Jablon will help you explore how you can use self-awareness and intentionality to enhance program quality. As the primary leader in your program, how you are and what you say and do each day influences what happens in your program: how people relate to one another and their openness to continuous[…] Full Description

Managing Legal Risks in Early Childhood Programs, by Tom Copeland

This session is sponsored by Rasmussen College. Managing Legal Risks in Early Childhood Programs: How child care centers and family child care homes can deal with custody issues, parents showing up drunk or without a car seat, lawsuits, illegal discrimination, privacy, and defending your program from attacks on the Internet. All sessions are 1.5 hours long, and include a brief announcement from our sponsor. 2:oo[…] Full Description

Time out for Time-out in Early Education Programs! by Barbara Kaiser

Sponsored by Pearson Higher Education Punishment is a quick fix, but what is the child learning? What are the other children learning? When teachers know the child, understand the function of the behavior, and teach the child skills to meet their needs appropriately they can make a real difference in a child’s life. This webinar explores alternatives to time out and the effects of punishment.[…] Full Description

Social-Emotional Learning & ECE Program Culture: How to facilitate resilience and inclusive culture, By Dr. Maurice Elias

 This webinar is sponsored by Bright Horizons Family Solutions. This presentation will focus on how early childhood education programs can systematically build social-emotional learning/emotional intelligence skills in young children and enhance program culture and climate. While many nations, and states in the U.S., include social-emotional skills among their standards, there has been less emphasis on how to build those skills in sustained ways. That includes[…] Full Description