Social Skills and Autism: Using Books in Creative Ways to Reach and Teach in Early Education, by Mary Jane Weiss, Ph.D. and Cheri Meiners

This webinar is sponsored by Free Spirit Publishing. Do you often wonder if there are secrets to teaching social skills to young children who struggle with communication disorders? It’s true that it can be difficult to teach nuance and flexibility to children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, because they are sometimes confused by the way social situations present. Because the skills children need to manage social[…] Full Description

Supporting Young Children and Families Impacted by Immigration Policies, by Wendy Cervantes, Michael McNeil, MD and Hannah Matthews

This session is sponsored by HiMama Harsh immigration policies undermine the safety, health, and overall development of young children in immigrant families, the vast majority of whom are U.S. citizens. New and proposed immigration policies—including increased immigration enforcement actions–have threatened the well-being of millions of children, threatening to separate them from their parents and to cut them off from critical health and nutrition assistance. This[…] Full Description

Working with Consultants: Tips for Maximizing Your Program’s Use of External Experts, by Fran Simon

Sponsored by Early Childhood Investigations Consultants Directory   As a program leader or administrator, you often have to find people to fill knowledge and skill gaps in your program. You may find yourself looking for professional development trainers, financial experts, grant specialists, organizational development professionals, board advisors, and many other pros. But, do you have a process for working with consultants? For example, you may[…] Full Description

Trauma-Informed Early Education Classroom Design: Designing Child and Family-Friendly Spaces for Recovery from Trauma, by Ileen Henderson

This webinar is sponsored by Second Step, an initiative of Committee for Children. NEW DATE! Even the youngest children are all too often exposed to trauma and stressful information, including violence, hatred, and disastrous events. We can do our part to combat the negative impact of these events. This webinar, part of the Trauma Solutions in Early Childhood Series, will be presented by trauma expert,[…] Full Description

Guided Play and Development in Early Education Settings: Dr. Kathy Hirsh-Pasek on Sparking Positive Outcomes in All Domains

Sponsored by Connect4Learning (C4L) What more can early educators do to leverage play to achieve positive outcomes in all domains? Join Professor, Author, Researcher, and renowned “Playful Learning” Advocate, Dr. Kathy Hirsh-Pasek in an inspiring webinar about the power of Guided Play. Using a backdrop of compelling research, Dr. Hirsh-Pasek will share strategies early educators can use to support curricular goals by presenting a learning goal,[…] Full Description

Transforming Challenging Behavior Through Leadership of Your Program: Mindset, Play, and Theater Techniques, by Barb O’Neill, Ed.D.

Sponsored by Kindermusik as part of the Setting the Stage for a Lifetime of Learning Webinar Series   Learn effective strategies for supporting teachers who are struggling with children who exhibit challenging behavior that you can use tomorrow. Whether children are hitting, biting, throwing chairs, or not following directions you will gain concrete ideas for how to empower teachers to create strengths-based interventions that will[…] Full Description

Documentation: A Tool for Family Engagement and Curriculum Development, by Diane Kashin

This session is sponsored by HiMama Pedagogical documentation is a complex process that involves observing children, creating documentation and sharing to encourage interpretation and analysis. When there is a steady stream of documentation shared there can be an increase of family engagement. When educators analyze the documentation and the views of others including parents, children, administrators and others, there is potential for authentic emergent curriculum.[…] Full Description

PLAYful Musical Environments That Foster Learning: Listening, Making, and Moving to Music in Early Education Settings, by Eric Rasmussen, Ph.D.

Sponsored by Kindermusik as part of the Setting the Stage for a Lifetime of Learning Webinar Series   Music holds an exceptionally fascinating place in our development as human beings. Music is a part of EVERY culture no matter how remote. Children unlock their music potential best with playful and structured guidance of an early childhood music specialist, but because most early learning programs don’t[…] Full Description

Fostering Friendships to Support Social-Emotional Learning in Early Childhood Programs, by Lindsay Giroux, M.Ed.

Sponsored by Connect4Learning (C4L) “You can’t come to my birthday party!” “He’s not my friend anymore.” These are popular refrains in preschool classrooms, and encouraging friendships in the classroom can be a big task! This eye-opening webinar, presented by social emotional development expert Lindsay Giroux, will provide early childhood administrators and teachers with strategies for planning thoughtful social skills instruction. You will leave this webinar[…] Full Description

Teaching Young Gifted Children: The Whats, Whys, and How-Tos for Supporting Their Needs, by Ellen I. Honeck, Ph.D. and Judy Galbraith

This webinar is sponsored by Free Spirit Publishing. Whether you work in a preschool program, childcare center, kindergarten, or primary-grade classroom, you have gifted children in your group right along with children who have a broad range of abilities. Why is it important to recognize and support the needs of young gifted children? What are the best ways to identify these children? How do you[…] Full Description