Picturing the Project Approach: Seeing How It Works for Teachers and Children in Practice, by Sylvia Chard, Carmen A. Castillo and Yvonne Kogan
Sponsored by Gryphon House They say a picture is worth a thousand words. The authors of Picturing the Project Approach: Creative Explorations in Early Learning agree! In this unique webinar, you will have a rare opportunity to peek inside the life of The Project Approach in practice in real classrooms with real children and teachers featured in the book. The authors will share the power of projects through photographs[…] Full Description
Leadership in Early Childhood Education: Why You Should Care and What You Should Do About It, by Ron Spreeuwenberg
This session is sponsored by HiMama Do you want to see positive change in early childhood education? Are you a director or administrator of a child care or early learning program or organization? Do you feel jaded in your role and need some inspiration? If you answered yes to any of these questions then this session is for you. Why? Because leadership is what it[…] Full Description
Big Body Play: Why Something So Scary is So Good For Children, by Frances Carlson
Sponsored by Exchange. Roughhousing, rough and tumble play, play fighting, horseplay…we have different names for it but all early childhood teachers have seen it: that bone-jarring, boisterous, often frightening playstyle young children seem to love, and crave. Join this webinar to learn the top reasons why young children need to play this way and how it supports every aspect of healthy development. Learn what policies[…] Full Description
Reach More Clients by Listing on Early Childhood Investigations Consultants Directory [PRODUCT DEMONSTRATION] NO CERTIFICATES
Please be advised that this is a product demonstration for consultants, not a professional development experience. Certificates of Attendance and CEUs will not be offered in this session. If you are a consultant who is looking for affordable ways to find new clients, this no-obligation system demonstration and training webinar is for you. Join this session to learn how Early Childhood Investigations Consultants Directory can[…] Full Description
Whole Leadership: Balancing Priorities of Administration and Pedagogy, by Teri N. Talan, Ed.D., J.D. and Michael B. Abel, Ph.D.
Sponsored by Leadership Connections, the Annual Conference of McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership Do you ever feel like you have too many “plates spinning” at the same time? Do you feel like you neglect the most important things to take care of the most urgent needs? The Whole Leadership Framework clearly identifies the three domains of pedagogical leadership, administrative leadership, and leadership essentials. This[…] Full Description
Clarity and Accountability as Necessities for ECE Compensation: Power to the Profession, by Marica Cox Mitchell, M.A.
This session is sponsored by HiMama. This session will illustrate how the national movement called “Power to the Profession” provides the unique opportunity to transform the loosely organized early childhood education occupation into a more united, compensated, diverse and effective profession. It will highlight the critical questions that the field must coherently address in order to make a strong case for compensation and other publicly[…] Full Description
LinkedIn for Consultants Serving Early Education: 10 Tips for Attracting Clients, by Fran Simon NO CERTIFICATES
Sponsored by Early Childhood Investigations Consultants Directory. Please be advised that this webinar is for Consultants. Certificates of Attendance and CEUs will not be offered in this session. This webinar is on TUESDAY, January 23rd. LinkedIn can help consultants attract early education clients? Really? Yes, really! Commonly known as a job-searching site, LinkedIn is far more than that! It can be a powerful magnet[…] Full Description
Promoting Social and Emotional Learning in Preschool: Programs and Practices that Work, by Karen Bierman
Sponsored by Connect4Learning (C4L) Overview: Social-emotional skills are an important component of school readiness and healthy child development. Being able to get along and cooperate with others, manage strong feelings, focus attention, and persist at challenging tasks are critical for long-term school and life success. This webinar will provide an overview of effective preschool social-emotional learning (SEL) programs and practices that have emerged in[…] Full Description
Collective Leadership in ECE Organizations: Unlocking Your Team’s Natural Gifts, by Cassandra O’Neill, M.A. and Monica Brinkerhoff, M.S.W.
This session is sponsored by HiMama. Learn how you and your team can apply collective leadership to find solutions and reach your shared goals. What if the solutions to the biggest challenges facing you were living inside the hearts and minds of others. What if you had a magic wand and could unlock these secrets? Collective leadership is about changing the way we think about[…] Full Description
Strengthening Inclusive Early Childhood Programs with Music Therapy Strategies: The Director’s Role in Tuning up Music to Turn on Inclusion, by Dr. Petra Kern
Sponsored by Kindermusik as part of the Setting the Stage for a Lifetime of Learning Webinar Series All children make music and music therapy practices can make early childhood classrooms inclusive. By using therapeutic techniques, educators can support children of all abilities and their families to participate in a broad range of activities and contexts. Focusing on developmental goals, intentional music interventions help children[…] Full Description