Creating Nature-based Classrooms: Breaking the Aesthetic Code of Early Childhood Environments, by Sandra Duncan and Jody Martin

Sponsored by Nature Explore. There are many traditionally accepted codes that permeate preschool spaces, such as the notion that walls f1lled with children’s work indicate productivity, an abundance of commercially-purchased toys indicates a well-equipped space, and full shelves result in learning. Early childhood experts are beginning to look at new ways to break these antiquated codes by designing beautiful classroom environments f1lled with nature and[…] Full Description

How Boosting Emotional Intelligence Improves Your Ability to Effectively Steer Your ECE Program, by Barbara Kaiser

This session is sponsored by HiMama. EQ or Emotional Quotient, otherwise known as Emotional Intelligence, is the ability to recognize emotions to guide thinking and behavior, and adapt accordingly. It requires regulation of your own emotions and the ability to gauge the emotions of others, especially in the workplace. To be an effective high EQ program leader, you must be aware of how your emotions[…] Full Description

No Money, No Mission: Cost Control in the Childcare Business, by Kathy Ligon

Sponsored by HINGE Brokers. This webinar is on THURSDAY, September 27th.   Costs matter. Childcare business owners recognize this when starting their ventures, but, as their businesses grow, it becomes more difficult to watch over every penny spent. And in an industry that is difficult to manage with low-profit margins, out-of-control expenses can quickly affect the quality of care and company culture owners work so[…] Full Description

Wonder-Filled Early Childhood Environments: Engaging All Children in Learning, by Derry Koralek, Julia Luckenbill, M.A. and Jacky Howell, M.A.

Sponsored by Redleaf Press   Thanks to the widespread use of social media-Facebook, lnstagram, YouTube, and Pinterest, to name a few-you can find lots of images and videos of inspiring early childhood settings. You’ve probably seen a photo of something that made you think, “What a great environment.” For example, for one of the presenters of this webinar, it was a photo of a baby[…] Full Description

How to Effectively Teach Social-Emotional Skills to Children Who Exhibit Challenging Behavior, by Barb O’Neill, Ed.D.

This session is sponsored by continued. It’s easy to become focused solely on trying to stop unwanted behavior when young children are using aggression to try and get their wants and needs met. This can also be true when they are not following directions or we feel they are being disrespectful in some way. Yet, in addition to stopping the behavior we also need to[…] Full Description

Innovative Strategies for Autism in ECE – How Teletherapy Engages Children with Autism, by Diana Parafiniuk and Sara Smith

This session is sponsored by E-Therapy. Do you ever wish there was a miraculous way you could reach children who struggle with communication disorders? Or an innovative approach to expanding children’s social and emotional understanding?  So often it is hard to get students who struggle with these issues to engage, interact, and express themselves fully. Because students get overstimulated, have trouble focusing, and difficulty communicating[…] Full Description

Talking with Babies: Infant Directed Speech and the Role of Early Educators, by Dr. Kathy Hirsh-Pasek

This session is sponsored by the United Way Center for Excellence in Early Education.   Baby talk can sound silly, but there’s an important place for all types of vocal exchanges with infants and toddlers in early childhood settings. In fact, the  verbal interactions caregivers and educators have with infants and toddlers are critical factors in cognitive and language development, along with social-emotional development and[…] Full Description

Using Loose Parts to Create Cultural Sustainable Environments, by Miriam Beloglovsky and Lisa Daly

Sponsored by Exchange. A culturally sustainable environment embraces and values the multi-ethnic and multilingual capacities of young children and families. It is how tradition, history, and culture come together to improve the quality of life- culturally, economically, socially, and environmentally. Not just for today, but for future generations to come. A culturally sustainable environment supports children’s development, renews and maintains their humanity to create enduring[…] Full Description

Litigation?! Strategies to Lower Your ECE Organization’s Risk of Being Involved in Lawsuits, by Ronald McGuckin

This session is sponsored by HiMama. This webinar, presented by Attorney Ron McGuckin, will focus on the most current legal trends and administrative issues which impact the day to day operations of the child care  program. Ron will discuss: social media usage and how it can affect the business’s image and legal standing what to include in personnel policies and the potential liability for the[…] Full Description

5 Things You Can Do Today to Lessen Challenging Behaviors Tomorrow, by Michelle Salcedo

This webinar is sponsored by Free Spirit Publishing. At times, early educators may feel powerless in the face of challenging behaviors. But, there is good news. There are steps professionals can take to lessen these behaviors and return joy to the early educator’s job. Often, classroom environments contribute to challenging behaviors. Through humor, concrete examples, and practical suggestions, participants in this webinar will learn about[…] Full Description