Inclusive ECE Classrooms and The Project Approach, by Sallee Beneke and Michaelene Ostrosky

Sponsored by Brookes Publishing   Teachers often see products of the Project Approach, and wish they knew how to implement it. Some teachers may believe they cannot use the Project Approach, because they serve students with disabilities, while other professionals are unsure of how to get started. In this webinar, Project Approach and Special Education experts Drs. Sallee Beneke and Michaelene Ostrosky, will share insights[…] Full Description

Strengths-Based Communication – The Key to Building Positive Professional Relationships! by Susan MacDonald

Sponsored by Leadership Connections, the annual conference of McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership. Teachers in early childhood programs are often overwhelmed by negativity, drama, and high-stress relationships. A key to creating a more positive work environment is to support teachers in developing strengths-based communication skills. This webinar will provide participants with impactful frameworks, protocols, empowering questions, and reflective exercises to help them build the[…] Full Description

Promising Futures for Young Children of the World: Insights from ECE Leaders in 105 Countries, by Roger Neugebauer, Jerry Parr, and Patrick Makokoro

This webinar is sponsored by World Forum Foundation.   Over 800 million children under the age of 6 inhabit Planet Earth. Less than 5% of these children reside in the United States and Canada. So truly the future of children, and more importantly, the future of our planet is an international concern. In this dynamic webinar, Roger Neugebaur, Jerry Parr, and Patrick Makokoro, leaders of[…] Full Description

Autonomy Support: A New Approach to Managing Challenging Behavior, by Ellen Galinsky and Erin Ramsey

This session is sponsored by The InvestiGator Club. —YOU ARE INVITED TO CONTRIBUTE TO THIS SESSION!— The presenters would like you to provide an example of a situation in which you struggled with a child’s challenging behavior and how managed it. —-PLEASE PUT YOUR SCENARIO IN THE QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS FIELD OF YOUR REGISTRATION, and if you need more space, send us an email at[…] Full Description

Inclusive ECE Programs and Educator EQ: Strategies for Developing Teachers’ Emotional Intelligence, by Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak

Sponsored by Brookes Publishing.   For many early educators, there is a strong desire to create learning environments that ensure all children have a sense of belonging. We dream daily that all children have equal rights and opportunities to be fully engaged in learning experiences that allow them to thrive, not only in school, but in life. For years, however, we’ve used our knowledge and[…] Full Description

Staff Retention in Child Care: Are you Rocking It or is Your Ship Rocky? by Kathe Petchel and Kathy Ligon

Sponsored by HINGE Brokers.   Twenty-five percent of American companies lose new employees within the first year of employment… but in child care, this number increases to 30-40 percent. This amount of turnover affects your company culture, parent confidence in your schools and your bottom line. But what steps can you take to curb the negative effects of turnover and combat staff leaving your childcare[…] Full Description

Using Delegation, Systems, & Automation in Your Program to Stop Being an Overwhelmed ECE Administrator, by Kris Murray

Sponsored by Smartcare.   Eliminate.  Delegate.  Automate.  These are your three choices when faced with too much to do, and too little time.  Early learning business expert Kris Murray will walk you through her step-by-step roadmap for how to tackle your to-do list, while reducing stress and overwhelm in your life as a school director or owner.  You’ll learn how to approach your business with[…] Full Description

Bullying in ECE: What we need to know to make a difference, by Barbara Kaiser

This webinar is sponsored by Second Step, an initiative of Committee for Children.     Bullying behavior has become part of too many people’s lives, especially children’s. We need to understand what bullying behavior is, why it occurs, and how to teach children the skills they need to reduce bullying in early childhood. In this transformational webinar, social-emotional learning expert, Barbara Kaiser will highlight the[…] Full Description

Teaching personal safety in early childhood: Tools for preventing abuse, by Dr. Amy Tiemann and Irene van der Zande

Sponsored by Early Childhood Investigations Consultants Directory   They say it takes a village to raise a child. This proverb could never be more true than now. To create safe villages for children, every responsible adult—from parents & caregivers, to teachers, staff, aides, specialists, and administrators—needs to work together to understand and teach children the principles of personal safety within the context of developmentally appropriate[…] Full Description

Getting the Most Bang from Your Board (Of Directors): Leading Your Program’s Board Room, by Amanda Lopez

Sponsored by McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership. The leadership of an organization sets the vision for the future and the direction for the rest of the team. Program leaders must know how to develop, manage, and collaborate with their board of directors to ensure the leadership is in sync with the needs of the organization as a whole. This empowering webinar, presented by Amanda[…] Full Description