What Fred Rogers Would Say About “the Difference We Make”- How Simple, Everyday Interactions in Early Childhood Are Critical, by Dana Winters, Ph.D. and Junlei Li, Ph.D.

This webinar is sponsored by Fred Rogers Center . In 1983, Fred Rogers delivered his first keynote address for the National Association for the Education of Young Children, where he asked the audience, “Do you ever wonder if you have made a difference?” More than three decades later, that question continues to resonate among many early childhood educators. This webinar is a reflection and discussion[…] Full Description

Coaching in Early Childhood, by Dathan Rush and M’Lisa Shelden

Sponsored by Brookes Publishing   This webinar will provide the background and rationale for using a coaching interaction style in early childhood programs to build the capacity of parents, teachers, and other care providers to promote child learning within the context of everyday routines and activities. In this powerful webinar, the presenters, Dathan Rush and M’Lisa Shelden, will share the evidence-based characteristics of coaching practices[…] Full Description

Lessening Challenging Behaviors: Teachers and Classrooms as Partners in Facilitating Pro-Social Development, by Michelle Salcedo

Sponsored by Free Spirit Publishing. At times, children’s challenging behaviors are a mismatch between the social and emotional demands of the classroom and their ability to be part of a classroom community. Just as children learn to walk, to recite the alphabet, and to put on their own shoes, they must also learn the social and emotional skills they need to navigate the early childhood[…] Full Description

How to Create Experiences WITH Young Children Rather Than Planning Activities FOR Them, by Jacky Howell M.A.

This session is sponsored by The InvestiGator Club. In the field of early childhood education, the focus has often been on planning an activity FOR children that is focused on coming up with a product. This session, presented by author, consultant, and DAP expert, Jacky Howell, will help you and your staff members experience a shift in thinking about classroom experiences. You will learn: The[…] Full Description

Designing Gender Appropriate Experiences for Boys that Guide Positive Behavior, by Jerry Parr and Ron Blatz

Sponsored by Exchange Press. Young boys, as a group, generally struggle more than girls in early childhood and elementary programs. This is not due primarily to bad behavior, but to a “fundamental mismatch between how most young boys develop, grow, and learn, and the kinds of expectations, outcomes, activities, and discipline approaches used in programs during the early years.” (Oh Boy! F Wardle, 2018) This[…] Full Description

Overcoming Obstacles to Enrollment, Recruitment, & On-boarding, and Say Hello to Innovative Possibilities, by Justina Paterson and Caroline Jens

Sponsored by  Child Care Biz Help.   Learn innovative solutions to solve common struggles all early education leaders experience in the areas of enrollment, recruitment, and on-boarding. It’s so easy to get bogged down with the daily fires, constant interruptions, and the never-ending revolving door. The effect of this equates to many missed opportunities and lost revenue especially when we are mishandling enrollment leads, potential new[…] Full Description

5 Crucial Elements of Relationship Centered Leadership, by Rosa Carrillo

Sponsored by McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership. Imagine an organization where every leader has the skills to build relationships with staff; children and families to nurture their highest potential and that create a psychologically safe learning environment. In this empowering webinar, early education leadership and organizational effectiveness expert, Rosa Carrillo, will draw on multiple sources from neuroscience, psychology and sociology to provide evidence that relationships[…] Full Description

Skip, Turn, & Hop into Teaching ECE Math and Language Arts Through Movement, presented by Connie Bergstein Dow, MFA

Sponsored by Free Spirit Publishing. All children should have the opportunity to move and be active throughout the day. The rich art form of dance/creative movement is a lively physical activity that nurtures imagination and has the potential to offer experiences in all early childhood content areas. As a longtime dance educator, Connie Bergstein Dow believes that dance can and should be accessible to young[…] Full Description

Supporting Young Children’s Creative Thinking Using Problems They Care About: Engineering Design In ECE, by Peggy Ashbrook, Carrie Lynne Draper, MEd, and Beth Van Meeteren, PhD

Sponsored by Early Childhood Investigations Consultants Directory Young children participate in engineering design and science inquiry from their earliest years as they seek to understand and change their environment. Helping children learn to use materials and their surroundings to build and solve problems is part of early childhood education. Children’s engineering may involve seeking to build a stable tower, using a stick as a tool,[…] Full Description