The ECE Director’s Overwhelm Loop: How to Eliminate Overwhelm in 4 Easy Steps, by Kris Murray

Sponsored by The Child Care Success Summit. Running an early learning program was challenging enough prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, administrators and owners are exhausted, maxed out, and unable to afford more talent on their teams. What’s the solution? Join leading child care expert Kris Murray for a clear roadmap on how to get a handle on the ever-pervasive “loop of overwhelm” that you[…] Full Description

The Magic Triangle of Reading Aloud: The Book, the Child, and the Adult, by Isabel Baker, M.A.T., M.L.S. and Amy E. Vandament

Sponsored by The Book Vine for Children. Children’s picture books are full of joy and learning (phonological awareness, development of pre-reading skills, problem solving, and decoding, just to name a few). Join children’s book curation experts, Isabel Baker, M.A.T., M.L.S.  and Amy E. Vandament as they share the magic that happens when you combine a great book, an adult, and a child. In this webinar,[…] Full Description

Heart-Centered Leadership: Create an Inspiring Work Environment With a People-Centric, Nature-Based Approach, by Tina Reeble, BS and Heather Fox, MA

Sponsored by Nature Explore. Working with children is joyful and rewarding but it also takes great reserves of strength and energy. Discover ways to use heart-centered leadership techniques to support teachers while creating a foundation for a well-working organization. Heart-centered leadership begins with an appreciation for the wonders of the world and the people around us. It is a way of leading that honors individual[…] Full Description

Future-Forward Family Child Care: Modernizing Your In-Home Program’s Business Practices, by Leigh Reveno, Lorena Alvarenga and Shaunte Taylor

Sponsored by Wonderschool. SATURDAY Times are changing for child care. The need for smaller, high-quality in-home child care has never been greater. At the same time, it’s become more difficult to operate small programs efficiently. This webinar, presented by a panel of three experienced early childhood family child care entrepreneurs, will provide you will actionable advice and recommendations for modernizing your business practices. Lorena Alvarenga,[…] Full Description

Rebuild Your ECE Program for the New Normal: Part 2- Marketing & Staffing, by Lauren Small, M.B.A.

Sponsored by Procare Software. As a program leader, you must plan for resilience. The COVID-19 crises has created a new reality in which you have an opportunity rebuild for a stronger future. Now is the time for you to reinvent your organization with a refreshed vision. This practical webinar will inspire you to revamp your personnel, marketing, and back-office practices. The second webinar of the[…] Full Description

Justice From the Streets to the Early Childhood Classroom, by Theressa Lenear, M.A., Ijumaa Jordan, M.A. and Julie Bisson, M.A.

This paradigm-shifting webinar is a call to action for early educators. The presenters, all early childhood anti-bias educators and advocates, will help you examine the importance of having a critical analysis of racism and learn how to provide vital leadership that supports black and indigenous Families and children of color. Together, we will reflect on recent events related to injustice and the rally cry for[…] Full Description

Preparing for Re-Opening: The Administrator’s Role in Taking Control When Things Seem Out of Control, by Jennifer Fiechtner, M.A. and Kay M. Albrecht, Ph.D.

Sponsored by Community Playthings. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused collective grief for the early childhood education industry and the professionals who make it work on behalf of families. This crisis and the lack of community supports for programs means program leaders need to take a proactive, practical, and planful approach to the future. You can’t do it alone – you will need to depend on[…] Full Description

Rebuild Your ECE Program for the New Normal: Part 1- Business Practices, by Lauren Small, M.B.A

Sponsored by Procare Software. The COVID-19 crisis is challenging everything we know (or thought we knew) about the business of early care and education programs. The new reality is your program will be forced to reconsider ratios, pricing, and programming to survive. Now is the time for you to reinvent your organization’s business plan and implement strong foundational business practices. Join early education business consultant,[…] Full Description

Mindful Emotion Regulation Strategies for Early Educators and the Children With Whom They Work, by Troy Byer

THIS WEBINAR IS FULL AND OVER CAPACITY- YOU CAN WATCH THE RECORDING AFTER IT IS OVER.  To be notified when the recording is ready, subscribe to our blog  Every day, and especially during these very challenging times, it is important to organic ways to keep stress levels low. Stress inarguably challenges immune systems and a challenged immune system leaves adults and children susceptible to myriad[…] Full Description

Beyond Covid-19: Supporting Children, Families, & Staff to Reintegrate to the New Normal, by Barbara Kaiser

This session is sponsored by Second Step. This webinar is full.* (Please read notes below) Join this webinar by renowned social-emotional learning expert, Barbara Kaiser to begin planning to support  staff, children, and families when they return to your program. Most of us and the people with whom we work daily  have been sheltering in place for months.This has been a very stressful or even[…] Full Description