Reducing Challenging Behavior: Administrators as Agents of Change, by Barbara Kaiser
Sponsored by Second Step. You may have heard it in your office when an exasperated teacher comes into your office to talk about a child whose behavior is challenging: “Something has to change!” When teachers are challenged by children’s behavior, they often blame the family or the child. But teachers need support to explore changes THEY can make to set children up for success. Children’s[…] Full Description
Leaning into Culturally-grounded Anti-bias Child Assessment, by Iheoma Iruka, Ph.D. and Stephanie Curenton, Ph.D.
Sponsored by COR Advantage. Evidence exists about the importance and impact of early care and education for children’s school readiness and academic and school success. Child assessment plays a critical role in supporting children’s school readiness by providing early childhood educators with important information about children’s assets, growth, and potential, as well as areas needing strengthening. For assessment to meet the standards of developmentally appropriate[…] Full Description
What Do Tattoos, Piercings, Hairstyles Have to Do with DAP in Early Childhood Care and Education? by Heather Bernt-Santy, M.A. Ed.
This webinar is sponsored by Early Childhood Investigations Consultants Directory, the only online hub where clients in early care and education can connect with consultants who specialize in your program’s needs! What do we know about typical child development? What do we know about the individual children in our care and classrooms right now? What do we know about their families and their cultures? Early[…] Full Description
Supporting Teachers in Nature-Based Programs, by Sheila Williams Ridge and Sarah Sivright
Sponsored by Nature Explore Supporting teachers, children, and families in nature-based requires offering a depth of pedagogical and administrative leadership as well as frequent and clear communication and opportunities for dialogue. Join Join Sheila Williams Ridge, Author of “Nature-Based Learning for Young Children“, and Sarah Sivright, to discuss how to balance the needs of children, families, and staff in creating policies and procedures to lead during[…] Full Description
Reimagine Opportunities for Your ECE Business! by Kathy Ligon
Sponsored by 1Place Childcare Compliance Software. From the difficulties of the 2020 year, opportunities arose to create a stronger early childhood business that is poised for future success and growth even better than before. In the last six months opportunities to expand or sell are breaking records! Join Kathy Ligon, Founder and CEO of Hinge Early Education Brokers, and 35 year industry veteran, to learn[…] Full Description
Using Routines to Help Children Adjust After COVID Closures and Other Disruptions, by Christian Bellissimo, MSW, LCSW, RPT, LLC
THIS WEBINAR IS OVER CAPACITY. Log in early. The webinar doors will open 30 minute before it is scheduled to start. The first 3,000 people to click the JOIN WEBINAR button will be admitted, regardless of when you registered for the webinar. We will publish a link to the recording of the webinar when it is ready on our blog. Sign up to receive notifications when[…] Full Description
Children’s Lively Minds: Life-Changing Professional Development for Early Educators, by Nadia Jaboneta and Deb Curtis
Sponsored by Redleaf Press. Join Nadia Jaboneta and Deb Curtis as they share stories and approaches that transform teachers’ views of children’s competence and the profound importance of brain development and schema explorations during play. You will hear engaging ideas to work with teachers, using a variety of reflective tools and profound yet simple information, to help teachers really see children of all ages,[…] Full Description
The Child Assessment Evolution: Controversy and Practice Explored, by Shannon Lockhart and Anna Marrs
Sponsored by COR Advantage. The use of child assessment in early childhood programs can be controversial. Concerns about equitable, linguistic, and cultural implementation, “high stakes” use of data, and emphasis on outcomes for children overshadowing play stir up much debate. Yet, research-backed, authentic assessments are widely used in high-quality play-based programs nationwide with great success. How and why do attitudes and practices around assessment vary[…] Full Description
Virtual Learning Experiences that Engage Adult Learners, by Tim Waxenfelter and Brian Washburn
Sponsored by Early Childhood Investigations Consultants Directory NO CERTIFICATES OFFERED FOR THIS WEBINAR Are you a dynamic presenter, keynote speaker, or professional development trainer who inspires your learners? Over the past year, presentations have changed dramatically and adjusting your dynamic presentations to a virtual environment can be tricky. Whether you are really an impactful expert speaker or someone who could use new ideas for your[…] Full Description
Provoking Inquiry with Loose Parts, by Miriam Beloglovsky and Diane Spahn
Sponsored by Kodo Kids Join Miriam Beloglovsky, co-author of the Loose Parts: Inspiring Play award-winning books, and Diane Spahn, Director of Education with Kodo Kids, as they explore the 6 w’s that serve as a framework to select and set up loose parts that provoke children’s inquiry. This webinar will guide you to apply educational and design knowledge when curating loose parts to maximize children’s[…] Full Description