Even Superheroes Need Support: The Power of Emotional Intelligence for Early Childhood Educators, by Dr. Donna Housman and Emily Stone

Sponsored by Housman Institute. Early childhood educators have always been Superheroes, tasked with the single most important role, aside from parents, in a child’s early development and education. Your work is one of the most rewarding in education, one most of us cherish, but one that also brings great stress. There is a lot of pressure squarely on you. The impact that stress and anxiety[…] Full Description

Intentional Preschool Environments Set the Stage for Young Children, by Laura Delgado

Sponsored by Learning Beyond Paper. Every early childhood program’s physical environment, both indoor and outdoor, sets the stage for learning and engagement. The physical environment sends strong messages to children and adults about what is valued, who is valued, and what learning can occur within the spaces. It is up to family child care providers, directors, and teachers to carefully design their environments with absolute[…] Full Description

Growing Natural Outdoor Preschool Classrooms to Scale: LA Unified School District’s Bold Approach

Sponsored by Nature Explore. Join Dr Dean Tagawa, Ranae Amezquita, and Kirsten Haugen to learn how and why the second-largest school district in the United States has committed to creating natural outdoor classrooms in every one of its early care and education centers. The presenters will share California’s Los Angeles Unified School District multi-year journey to convert largely asphalt play areas into nature-rich outdoor classrooms[…] Full Description

Child Care Stabilization Grants and New Tax Changes for 2021, by Tom Copeland

Sponsored by Learning Beyond Paper. This webinar, presented by child care business expert, Tom Copeland, will cover all the new tax changes affecting family child care providers for 2021. These include the Child Care Stabilization Grants, SBA forgivable loans, new child tax credit, what’s deductible in the era of COVID, calculating your Time-Space% if you have been closed, and more. Learning objectives: Identify how to[…] Full Description

The Keys to Effective Practice-Based Coaching: A Framework for Early Childhood Leaders

Sponsored by Brookes Publishing.   As an early childhood program leader, you know coaching is the most powerful element of continuous quality improvement.  Developing your coaching skills is critical to help your staff engage children nurture their development. Join this free eye-opening webinar to learn about a coaching framework for supporting early childhood practitioners’ use of evidence-informed teaching practices. In this session, the editors of[…] Full Description

Coaching and Supervising Staff for Social Emotional Development Growth: Prioritizing SEL in Your Program, by Jacky Howell

Sponsored by Second Step. New Date – November 3, 2021 We all understand the importance of Social/Emotional Learning for children in early childhood programs. Yet, one of the biggest challenges administrators face is ensuring all children in their programs are offered the best opportunities for social-emotional development. Join this paradigm-shifting webinar by early childhood education expert Jacky Howell to explore the most current thinking about[…] Full Description

The Power of Emotional Intelligence for Children Birth Through Eight, by Dr. Donna Housman

Sponsored by Housman Institute. In this time of uncertainty and anxiety, we need to focus on all that our littlest learners have experienced. Almost all pre-school-aged children made their first start to school carrying more than their backpacks with them this fall. They also brought loads of emotions- from separation anxiety to how to make friends, play with others, fears of getting scary germs… lots[…] Full Description

Boost Enrollment in Family Child Care: Curriculum Helps, by Laura Delgado

Sponsored by Learning Beyond Paper At a time when it is more difficult than ever to offer high-quality home-based child care, every little detail counts.  Offering a comprehensive and easy to use curriculum is not only great for children and families, but it is also an attractive selling point. From a pedagogical perspective and business standpoint, implementing comprehensive curriculum is a must-do! In this action-packed[…] Full Description