Using a Guide to Nature Kinship to Infuse Nature into Your Program, by Sheila Ridge Williams, M.A., Dr. Claire Warden, and Heather Fox, M.A.

Sponsored by Storypark. FEATURING NATURAL LEARNING EXPERTS: Sheila Ridge Williams, Claire Warden, and Heather Fox In this inspiring webinar, the second in a series of two, authors from The Environmental Kinship International (EKI) will share tips, ideas, and aspirations related to their new free pedagogical framework designed specifically for early educators in nature-based programs. The Children’s Environmental Kinship Guide presents an overarching nature-based pedagogy with[…] Full Description

A Guide to Nature-Based Pedagogy for Early Childhood Programs, by Megan Gessler, M.Ed., Anne Meade, M.Ed. and Amanda Higgins, M.Ed.

Sponsored by Storypark. FEATURING NATURAL LEARNING EXPERTS: Megan Gessler, Anne, Mead, and Amanda Higgins This unique webinar, presented by authors from The Environmental Kinship International (EKI), will be the first of two that will share the concepts from their new framework for nature-based early childhood educators. The Children’s Environmental Kinship Guide presents an overarching nature-based pedagogy with every-day pragmatic examples for educators and administrators alike.[…] Full Description

Early Childhood Behavior Guidance Practices and the Role of Implicit Bias, by Ebonyse Mead and Jen Neitzel

Sponsored by Second Step. In this paradigm-shifting webinar, you will learn about implicit racial bias and its role in behavior management practices and policies in early childhood programs. Research reveals that Black children are disproportionally suspended or expelled in their earliest school experiences. The implications of the research demonstrate that teachers’ practices, and administrative policies often set untenable conditions and lead to unnecessary disciplinary actions[…] Full Description

Inspirations from Reggio Emilia for a STEM-Infused Environment, Dr. Vicki Carper Bartolini

Sponsored by Redleaf Press. From her recently published book, Creating a Reggio-Inspired STEM Environment for Young Children, award-winning educator Dr. Vicki Carper Bartolini offers practical suggestions and resources for teachers to re-envision their early learning environments with a focus on STEM. Using the Reggio Emilia lens that honors the right of children to a wondrous learning environment, the author guides participants in how they might[…] Full Description

Promoting the Positive Racial Identity of Black Infants and Toddlers in Early Childhood Programs, by Iheoma U. Iruka, Ph.D. and Kamye Hugley, M.S.

Produced in partnership with Equity Research Action Coalition at UNC Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute. The first 1,000 days are a sensitive period in children’s development. This is critical period for language, emotional, and social development. Evidence is also accumulating about these early years as critical for positive ethnic-racial identity. Positive ethnic-racial identity is protective and promotive for children’s healthy development especially children from[…] Full Description

How to Lead a Nature-based Program Without Losing Your Purpose (or mind!) By Rachel A. Larimore, Ph.D.

Sponsored by Samara Early Learning. Nature-based learning is growing in popularity, particularly in the time of COVID. Yes, there are many benefits to children and teachers alike by integrating nature into the preschool curriculum. Yet, many leaders find themselves facing challenges in supporting a shift to nature-based learning. These challenges are sometimes administrative related to policies, funding, and licensing. There are also pedagogical leadership challenges[…] Full Description

Mind Mapping for Ideas in Early Childhood Programs, Dr. Diane Kashin

Sponsored by Storypark.   Have you ever used mind maps in your practice? Mind mapping is the process of graphically organizing emerging ideas and interests as they evolve, like they might if you were brainstorming ideas. Mind maps are intuitive frameworks that will help you build connections and see relationships. Referred to webs as they resemble a spider’s intricate creations, mind maps have so many[…] Full Description

Engaging Presentations Everyone Will Love, by Brian Washburn

Sponsored by Early Childhood Investigations Consultants Directory. Just in time for Valentine’s Day, we have a free webinar that will make you and the people who attend your presentations swoon! Whether you’re putting together a presentation for a small group or a keynote for a conference (conference season is right around the corner, after all), this session may help you identify some key elements you’ll[…] Full Description

Playful Learning, Not Play vs. Learning in Preschool: How Play Fosters Cognitive Development, by Dr. Kathy Hirsh-Pasek

Sponsored by ChildCare Education Institute. We hear it all the time: “All they are doing is playing.” As Profession Edward Zigler says, “play is under siege.” While school-age children suffer from the loss of recess and time on screen, educators in early care and education programs feel pressure to teach to standards for “school readiness.” The result often means more teacher-directed than child-initiated play. Ironically,[…] Full Description

Vision-Focused Action Plans for Early Childhood Leaders, by Susan MacDonald

Sponsored by Procare Solutions.   Now’s the time to refresh the vision for your program. Moving beyond the stress and challenges of the past year requires early childhood leaders like you to renew your enthusiasm and refresh your optimistic focus. Now is the time to be intentional and focused on all that is possible. This motivational presentation by author and founder of Inspiring New Perspectives,[…] Full Description