Screening Bilingual Language Development for English–Spanish Speaking Preschoolers, by Aquiles Iglesias, Ph.D., Jill de Villiers, Ph.D. and Roberta Michnick Golinkoff, Ph.D.

Sponsored by Brookes Publishing. Language learning is the key that opens almost every door for young children!  This is especially try for dual language learners. Knowing how where all children are in their developmental trajectory is important for planning to meet their needs. Screening bilingual language learners is challenging. But, there are strategies you can use to screen for language development that spans the language[…] Full Description

Reclaim Your Joy: Paving Your Positive Path Forward as an Early Childhood Educator, by Erin Ramsey

Sponsored by Exchange Press. Happy, healthy, and joyful early educators make for happy, healthy, and joyful programs. In this refreshing and inspiring webinar, early care and education leader, author and inspirational speaker, Erin Ramsey will inspire you to pave a positive path forward with ways to claim your power, remove your roadblocks and find your joy. Erin will share tools, stories, photos, and poetry that[…] Full Description

Loving the Skin You Are In: Facts on Race & Disability in Early Childhood Programs, by Iheoma U. Iruka, Ph.D. and Sheresa Boone Blanchard, Ph.D.

Produced in partnership with Equity Research Action Coalition at UNC Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute. Our country is still reeling from the twin pandemics – coronavirus and racial reckoning. Furthermore, these dual pandemics have significantly impacted children with disabilities, especially Black and Brown children. In this paradigm-shifting webinar Dr. Iheoma Iruka will help you examine the historical and contemporary impact of racism on early[…] Full Description

Books and Babies: Selecting the Best Books and Related Activities for Infants and Toddlers, by Stefanie Paige Wieder, M.S.Ed. and Dr. Paula L. Jackson

Sponsored by Barefoot Books. The foundation for literacy starts at birth! From babies’ first smiles to toddlers’ first steps, literacy development is intertwined with language, cognitive, social-emotional and motor growth. Join literacy experts Stefanie Paige Wieder, M.S.Ed., and Dr. Paula L. Jackson to discover the building blocks for scaffolding early literacy skills in pre-mobile infants through talking toddlers and come away with practical tips and[…] Full Description

Happiness in the “Baby Room”: Supporting the Well-Being of Infant-Toddler Care Professionals, by Mary Benson McMullen, Ph.D.

Sponsored by Childcare Education Institute. In this compelling webinar, author and professor Mary Benson McMullen, Ph.D., will offer insights about the importance of happiness and well-being in high quality infant-toddler care and education (ITCE) and how you may support this in your programs. You will learn key ideas from Mary’s two recent books, On Being and Well-being in Infant/Toddler Care and Education: Life Stories from[…] Full Description

Culture and Children’s Challenging Behavior, by Barbara Kaiser

Sponsored by Second Step. Like the children in our care, every teacher is different. We come from different contexts and cultures, and everything we think, say, and do is processed through the filter of our own culture. Culture influences our values, beliefs, gender roles, family structures, language, and even our teaching styles. The ability to understand and celebrate differences is more important now than ever.[…] Full Description

Connecting Reflection and Continuous Quality Improvement, by Kasey Kile, M.S. and Gabrielle DeLoach, M.S.

Sponsored by Kodo Kids. Great early childhood programs are in a state of constant evolution. Achieving a program culture that values evolution requires continuous quality improvement is a top priority for program administrators. With growth and quality improvement, comes change, which is often challenging. Guiding staff to use reflection can assist them in becoming invested in the change needed to improve and grow. Join this[…] Full Description

A Financial Checkup for Your Child Care Program, by Kathe Petchel

Sponsored by Procare. Sigh! Your child care program’s finances: So critical, and yet often the hardest part of your job! If only there were a few key principles that could help making your budget easier to develop, manage, and most of all balance with reliable revenue growth! You are in luck because there are some fundamental strategies that are tried and true. In this free[…] Full Description

Centering Attachment: The Key to Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum for 0-3, by Ruth Anne Hammond, M.A.

Sponsored by ChildCare Education Institute Oh, BABY! Infants and toddlers’ brains and capacities are on FIRE! Research shows time and time again that their development is exceptionally rapid, which means that as an infant and toddler educator you must carefully prioritize the time you spend together. Because secure attachment predicts healthy outcomes in numerous developmental domains and aspects of living, keeping attachment as the structural[…] Full Description

Nature Based Programs: Planning, Documentation, and Family Engagement, by Claire Warden

Sponsored by Storypark. We love emergent curriculum in nature-based programs. But even emergent approaches require some element of planning. Now is the time to explore ways to plan and document learning that are dynamic and motivating inside, outside and beyond! Join international early childhood natural program expert Dr Claire Warden to learn out how to embrace and support emergent curriculum with responsive planning, documentation, and[…] Full Description