March 7, 2012
Are you a child care director, administrator, or owner who struggles with using technology in your marketing to attract new families to your program? Join Kris Murray, President of Child Care Marketing Solutions, as she reveals proven strategies for how to effectively attract and enroll Millennial Moms in today's digital economy.
- Topics :
- Business, Enrollment, Growth Mindset, Management, Technology
February 8, 2012
Have you ever wondered where to turn for help when you are faced with the challenges of providing high-quality education and care for children with special needs? If you have ever sought practical answers, you may have experienced a frustrating void. Easter Seals to the rescue!
- Topics :
- Early Intervention, Equity, Inclusion, Special Needs
February 1, 2012
Soon after Ellen’s book Mind in the Making (MITM) was published in 2010, she found that groups were convening around the book in professional learning communities. Webinars and symposiums were being held, book clubs were forming, professional groups were studying the book to apply what they had learned, training was being offered, and Mind in the Making became the focus of conferences, websites, and chat groups.
- Topics :
- PLCs, Professional Development, Teaching Practices
January 18, 2012
New effective strategies can help you establish a "negativity free" zone in your program. A few simple-to-master steps will take you away from the realm of victims, back into the "can do" zone. Are you ready? Join us to learn 3 steps to clear the air and create a peaceful, positive environment.
- Topics :
- Management, Problem Solving, Staff Development, Supervision
January 11, 2012
Running a successful Board of Directors is not an easy job and it doesn't just happen. It takes time, effort and planning. An organization's success can be greatly enhanced or dramatically improved by the contributions of a fully functioning Board of Directors. Boards and Program Directors' who build strong partnerships are able to lead their organizations to higher levels of performance and overall program success.
- Topics :
- Board Development, Leadership, Management
December 14, 2011
Professional development is a big deal! It can cost a lot, is important for your staff, important to high quality early childhood
education - and your license, funding or accreditation may depend on it.
- Topics :
- Management, Staff Development
December 7, 2011
Join Fran Simon and Karen Nemeth, two early childhood educators who are also passionate about using social media in their work, for a webinar that will introduce you to surprising strategies and help you realize there's something for everyone in the social media sandbox.
- Topics :
- Management, Teaching Practices, Technology
November 16, 2011
Being the head of an early childhood organization is rewarding and challenging. You’ve worked hard to earn your place as a leader. So, what are your next steps? This webinar will help you explore the benefits of ongoing professional development. You will see how achieving a director credential links to accreditation, quality rating systems, and other tangible benefits for your program, as well as helping[...] Full Description
October 26, 2011
With the arrival of the new federal competition, Race to the Top - Early Learning Challenge, early childhood programs are finally getting a seat at the table in conversations about education reform.
- Topics :
- Child Care Policy, Management
October 12, 2011
As early childhood educators, it's our goal to help prepare young children for the future: how to listen, speak, respect, engage, create, think, and reflect. We offer children concrete, hands-on experiences that encourage inquiry and investigation. Now, in the 21st century, we are looking for answers about how to integrate and use technology to enhance and augment practices that foster divergent thinking.
- Topics :
- DAP, Teaching Practices, Technology