Skip, Turn, & Hop into Teaching ECE Math and Language Arts Through Movement, presented by Connie Bergstein Dow, MFA VIEW MORE
Kind, Empathetic Classrooms that Build Bridges & Create Community in a Diverse World, by Jacky Howell, MA VIEW MORE
Making Lemonade: Teaching Young Children to Think Optimistically, by Derry Koralek and Laura J. Colker VIEW MORE
Inclusive ECE Classrooms and The Project Approach, by Sallee Beneke and Michaelene Ostrosky VIEW MORE
Promising Futures for Young Children of the World: Insights from ECE Leaders in 105 Countries, by Roger Neugebauer, Jerry Parr, and Patrick Makokoro VIEW MORE
Inclusive ECE Programs and Educator EQ: Strategies for Developing Teachers’ Emotional Intelligence, by Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak VIEW MORE
Teaching personal safety in early childhood: Tools for preventing abuse, by Dr. Amy Tiemann and Irene van der Zande VIEW MORE