The Path for Math in Early Childhood: The Learning Trajectories Perspective, by Dr. Douglas Clements and Dr. Julie Sarama VIEW MORE
The Power of Optimism: Helping Early Childhood Educators See the Best in Themselves, Their Students and Their World, by Steve Gross VIEW MORE
Inclusion in Early Childhood Programs: Successful Strategies from Experienced Early Childhood Educators, by Linda Brekken, Amanda Schwartz, Beth Fairchild, Lisa Parker and Andrea Knowlton VIEW MORE
A Moving Child Is a Learning Child: How Movement Prepares the Brain to Think (and a whole lot more), by Gill Connell and Cheryl McCarthy VIEW MORE
The Science of Dual language Learning for Children Birth Through Age Five: Effective Practices that Improve Outcomes, by Linda Espinosa VIEW MORE
What Babies and Toddlers Need: Sensitive Care & Play Trump Early Academics , by Ruth Anne Hammond VIEW MORE
Using Books for Social-Emotional Development: Literature that helps children explore feelings, by Jacky Howell and Kimberly Reinhard VIEW MORE
Nurturing secure attachments for infants and toddlers: The key to optimal emotional development, by Dr. Alice Sterling Honig VIEW MORE
Social-Emotional Learning & ECE Program Culture: How to facilitate resilience and inclusive culture, By Dr. Maurice Elias VIEW MORE