Abuse? Not Our Kids! Protecting Children from Abuse by Empowering Early Educators, Bridgid Normand, M.Ed. and Anastasia Vitovitz, M.Ed. VIEW MORE
Play Therapy Techniques in Early Childhood Settings: Supporting Social-emotional Learning & Self-regulation, by Christian Bellissimo VIEW MORE
Extending the Book Experience: Strategies That Promote Language and Literacy Development in Dual Language Learners, by Vera Meyerholtz VIEW MORE
Picturing the Project Approach: Seeing How It Works for Teachers and Children in Practice, by Sylvia Chard, Carmen A. Castillo and Yvonne Kogan VIEW MORE
Whole Leadership: Balancing Priorities of Administration and Pedagogy, by Teri N. Talan, Ed.D., J.D. and Michael B. Abel, Ph.D. VIEW MORE
Promoting Social and Emotional Learning in Preschool: Programs and Practices that Work, by Karen Bierman VIEW MORE
Early Brain Development: 5 BIG Ideas Every Early Care Professional Should Know, by Laura Bailet, Ph.D. VIEW MORE
The ECE Mindfulness Movement: Build a Mindful Organization, by Stan Schwartz and Rose Pavlov VIEW MORE