This session is sponsored by the United Way Center for Excellence in Early Education
Developing an early secure attachment to the special persons who care for a child from birth during the early years is critical. Secure attachment between the little one and the special adult(s) lays the foundation for developing a person who can trust the self AND trust others and can be compassionate insightful and forgiving of others AND of the self. How can we become more attuned to attachment troubles that may be impacting the behaviors of the children we serve? And how can we gently ameliorate worrisome situations when a child does show signs of insecure attachment?
This session will address the different kinds of emotional attachments that infants and young children develop with their caregivers.. Current researches and theory that illuminate what we know of the power of early emotional relationships and attachments to influence relationships into adulthood will be presented. We will emphasize signs that help teachers and parents recognize different kinds of worrisome attachment responses. Significant ways in which caregivers can identify children with different kinds of insecure attachments will be described. Specific suggestions will be given for enhancing staff ability to interact with very young children in ways that nurture and promote secure attachments.
All sessions are 1.5 hours long, and include a brief announcement from our sponsor.
2:oo PM – 3:30 PM Eastern Time.
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*Please be advised that you will only be eligible for the great door prizes if you participate in the live session.
See the schedule of upcoming webinars.