This session is sponsored by continued.
It’s easy to become focused solely on trying to stop unwanted behavior when young children are using aggression to try and get their wants and needs met. This can also be true when they are not following directions or we feel they are being disrespectful in some way. Yet, in addition to stopping the behavior we also need to teach them what do instead! Challenging behavior signals that the child needs support to develop their social-emotional skills. In this webinar we will review why it is essential to develop or adopt a comprehensive social-emotional learning curriculum and discuss practical strategies that teachers can use to proactively teach children necessary social-emotional skills. We will also review how to promote social-emotional learning in the heat of the moment and throughout the day during typical classroom activities. This includes strategies to help children identify and express their feelings when upset, calming techniques, and ways to help them communicate their wants and needs appropriately. You will learn about examples of how these strategies have been used effectively in Head Start classrooms and childcare centers by real teachers. Tips for and coaches who want to bring these ideas to teachers will be included.
By the end of this presentation, participants will be able to:
- Identify key concepts about social emotional learning in early childhood
- Describe strategies teachers can use to teach children to recognize their emotions, self-regulate when they are upset, and communicate their wants and needs
- Explain why play and playful learning is a crucial part of promoting children’s social-emotional development
All sessions are 1.5 hours long, and include a brief announcement from our sponsor.
2:oo PM – 3:30 PM Eastern Time.
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Can’t participate in our webinars at the appointed time? Never fear! All of the webinars are recorded. To view the recording, simply register now and you will receive an email with a link to the recording when it is ready to be viewed. You can still download the certificate by watching the recording to the end when the certificate link is announced and displayed on the screen.
Only 1,000 people at one time can attend our webinars, but registration often tops 4,000. Only the first 1,000 people to click the link to attend the webinar will be able to get in. We start the webinars 30 minutes in advance of the start time. Arrive early to make sure you get in.
Please be advised that you will only be eligible for the great door prizes if you participate in the live session.
You can earn .2 CEUs for each webinar. The cost is $15 paid to University of Oklahoma online when you apply. Learn more here: Continuing Education Units (CEUs) from University of Oklahoma
See the schedule of upcoming webinars.