Learn more about the changes to the Head Start Outcomes Framework In early January, Head Start grantees across the country received a revised outcomes framework, now called the Child Development and Early Learning Framework: Promoting Positive Outcomes in Early Childhood Programs Serving Children 3-5 Years Old with an introduction from Head Start director, Yvette Sanchez Fuentes. http://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/hslc/ecdh/eecd/Assessment/Child%20Outcomes/revised-child-outcomes.html The Child Development and Early Learning Framework builds on the respected сертификаты earlier version (The Head Start Outcomes...
There are smart people. There are people who are are happy to tell you everything they think you need to know. Then there are thought leaders. Thought leaders are a different breed altogether. They are typically smart, informed, and passionate. But what makes thought leaders so special is their willingness to share ideas and information to make a difference in their communities. Thought leaders often go out on a limb to share information that is...
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